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Самым «мертвым» водоемом является не Мертвое море, а озеро Смерти в Сицилии, на берегах которого отсутствует растительность, а всякое живое существо в его воде настигает мгновенная смерть. Со дна озера бьют два источника сильно концентрированной кислоты, которая и отравляет воду.Вход
Категория: Россия |
22.05.2015 01:01 |
Moscow has an extensive train, bus and trolleybus system. Some of the public transport routes link with the metro network, often these start at one metro station and terminate at another. The main roads are often serviced by either buses or trolleybuses. Trams, much like in any other country, are mostly useless as a effective source of public transport but when it comes to sightseeing they are generally the best way to catch a sight of the city. Unless you are taking a railway between states, such as the trans-Siberian railway, then roads during peak hours will be crowded. This happens during the morning and evening hours and traffic will move very slowly. This form of public transport is best taken advantage of in newer, more remote suburbs, where road signs are clearly visible and displayed frequently. Although much like the centre of the city, tram stops are slightly further apart. More information is on travel site www.tourtorussia.com.au Despite their inefficiency, Trams remain in Moscow because they are the traditional form of transportation. There have already been many services that have been terminated and many tracks have been removed all together. On the other hand they do provide an enjoyable ride for the children and a sense of variety of tourists that are sick of buses and taxis. The remaining tram services operate frequently in the suburban areas. Trolleybuses are an effective means of transportation around the centre of the city. They are less comfortable than buses and due to this most of the residents in Moscow prefer to travel by bus. Trolleybuses still suffer from long waiting times during traffic peak hours. Trolley buses in Moscow are blue, red or yellow and contain either a one or two car setup. Much like trains, there is no specific etiquette for what door to use when getting on or off. Trolley buses in Moscow are used for either getting to know the city by taking a longer sightseeing route or getting somewhere quick by taking the direct route through the city. Buses are the most useful type of transportation in suburban areas where stops between metro stations is less frequent than in the city. Bus stops are marked with white and yellow signs with the Cyrillic letter A and are mostly the same distance apart as the trolleybus stops. Buses in Moscow are yellow, red or red and white in color. When taking a tour to Moscow you, the best transportation to consider would be either public buses or metros.
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