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Полеты во сне – свидетельство эволюционного пути человека. Ученые, которые изучают наследственные признаки поведения, этологи, называют это последствием брахиации.


A platform for wholesale SMS traffic from IntisTele is a guarantee of a successful business

23.03.2021 00:50

worldwide SMS gatewayA worldwide SMS gateway for bulk messaging will be an excellent solution when there is a need to obtain a stable result when interacting with SMS traffic providers. The use of this solution provides quality service when informing customers.

Advantages of a platform for bulk SMS traffic

  1. Availability of excellent scalability. This option assumes sending up to 10 thousand SMS per second, thanks to the presence of SMPP and HTTP connections for suppliers and customers.
  2. Possibility of traffic routing regulation. It is now possible to customize traffic routes based on delivery speed, estimated limits and average traffic quality.
  3. Accuracy of cost analysis. This is a guarantee of the best price range for a specific quality level, considering the speed of delivery.
  4. Built-in billing. Thanks to smart built-in billing, the client has the opportunity to receive an alert about changes in traffic prices or when there are jumps in the exchange rate.

Ensuring successful communication

The SMS gateway optimizes communication with business units. Even considering the rapid development of social networks and the availability of doing business online, SMS-notification takes a leading position and remains an accessible channel of communication with the audience.

Benefits of an SMS gateway for advertising campaigns

  • Speed and simplicity in creating advertising mass mailings over the Internet. In this case, there is no need to sag the installation of additional software. It is important to register on the site, download customer contacts, set a task, and after that messages will be sent to subscribers.
  • Sending SMS-messages automatically directly from the website, online stores, online services.
  • Attracting new customers through the use of a database of numbers for sending SMS-messages.
  • Ability to start SMS-mailing in a few minutes when sending messages over the Internet from the site or using the API.
  • Informing customers about promotional offers and automation of sending messages from an application, website or CRM system.

Business SMS is of great value. Nobody likes to waste time reading long letters. First of all, it is important for the client to get acquainted with the key information. The service of SMS-mailing will always be relevant for business, as it provides a high probability of reading messages.


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