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21 Фев 2025 Просмотров:63

Нью-Йорк — это не только один из самых крупных и влиятельных городов мира, но и...

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Молнии приносят пользу. В своем «молниеносном» полете они успевают выхватить из воздуха миллионы тонн азота, «связать» его и направить в землю. Это бесплатное удобрение обогащает почву, на которой растут злаки.


The most beautiful historic casinos to visit when you are traveling

04.01.2021 22:52

Monte Carlo casino in MonacoWhen traveling you can combine different goals nicely. There are active destinations where you can also enjoy excellent restaurants and hotels, or you can combine nature with luxury. Another fun combination to consider when planning your next trip is beautiful historic architecture and the casino world. Read more about four top destinations here.

Monte Carlo casino in Monaco

There may be no more famous casino than the Monte Carlo casino in the Principality of Monaco. It was founded in 1863 by the royal family to put money worries away. They have succeeded wonderfully in this and the beautiful building still exudes class and pure luxury. In addition, you can of course take a seat at the iconic roulette tables if you want to try your luck. 

Casino di Venezia

In the Italian Venice you can feast your eyes. The water-rich architectural style that made the city great is exceptional. However, not everyone of the hundreds of thousands of tourists will know that the oldest operating casino in the world is on one of the canals. The Casino di Venezia opened its doors in 1638 and the famous composer Wagner still lived there. This authentic atmosphere can of course be found in the building, where you can isolate yourself from the crowd for a while. 

Casino Wiesbaden

In Germany there is no longer a strong casino culture because gambling was banned at one point. The game makers left for places like Monaco in the 19th century. Yet at least one casino has stood the test of time. The Casino Wiesbaden is still open and also houses a real spa. Many celebrities have gambled here. Especially legendary is the story of the Russian writer Dostoevsky who lost everything he had at the roulette tables here.

If you prefer not to repeat this, you can happily enjoy the architecture of the building and the surrounding buildings, or of course book a pampering package in the spa. 

Slightly less old: the Bellagio in Las Vegas

A less old, but also now classic casino is the Bellagio in Las Vegas. The iconic fountains on the doorstep that put on a show every day have become legendary. Countless films and series have been recorded and in the mega hotel and casino you can easily enjoy yourself for weeks. You can of course find well-known games such as poker, roulette, blackjack, and baccarat, but also hundreds of shops, dozens of restaurants and shows from the greatest artists!


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